NOPE.. It’s NOT Just a Game

We have all heard people say “It’s only a game”.  Heck, I have said those words more than once.  The phrase is said in a number of different situations:  Trying to calm someone down, after a tough loss or trying to bring things into perspective.  Many times its used by people that really don’t have a clue.

Well, DON’T HAVE A CLUE;  Let me be a little more specific about that.   I am not trying to call anyone out here.  On the surface they are right.  Sports, themselves, are in fact, games, and games are supposed to be fun.  And, if the game itself was all that went into it, well, those folks would be 100 percent right.

Now, that is where the whole separation is drawn.  Because, if people do not understand, it is very likely, they never played.  Or, at least never played at a real competitive level.

Its “everything else” that those people are missing.  Its “everything else” that makes it so much more.  In reality it’s the “everything else” that makes sports what it is.

While, the game itself is what teams prepare for.  It’s that preparation and all that goes into it that makes it all really special.

Its those early mornings.  Its those hot days.  Its those coaches yelling at you.  Its you laying on the ground asking yourself, Is this really worth it?

The life lessons you have the ability to learn from sports are invaluable.  You can learn about hard work.  You learn about team work.  You learn to put others in front of yourself, that team, or family, is more important than self gratification.  And, you learn the fact that life is not always fair.

Studies show that students that participate in high school sports not only make better grades but they are more prepared for life after school.  They tend to get better jobs, be better employees, and earn higher wages.

Its not easy.  Not everyone can do it.  In fact it can be hard.  But, as a quote from a well known baseball movie says “its the hard that makes it great”

Through the difficulties you find a sense of accomplishment.  You find out that coach that screams and yells, actually cares more than most anyone else.  You find that you have a, brotherhood/sisterhood, a family, that you are forever bonded to.  You  can answer your question…. YES IT IS MORE THAN WORTH IT.




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